Company Details
Company NameKoukos de Lab
Company AddressKarydia
Plomari, Lesvos 81200
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Your Contact Details
NameChristos Ververis
Job TitleProduct designer / co founder
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Role of this organisation in the project being enteredKoukoutsi project
Category - Interior
    This is a new category that recognises wall, floor, ceiling and surface design products, including decorative, creative and inventive surfaces for the interior of buildings including both commercial and residential properties.
Entry Details
Project/Product Name (written how it should appear)KOUKOUTSI ECO MATERIAL
Project AddressA.Metaxa 72
Plateia Kritis square
Golden Sun Hotel , Glyfada 16674
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Client NameGOLDEN SUN HOTEL Kotronas Bros
Designer/Architect NameChristos Ververis designer for the koukoutsi tables
Contractor NameSTARCHITECTS Lila Sanantiti Katia Tsouni
Project/Product Description

Golden Sun Hotel is a urban city hotel build in the 70"s in the Athenian Riviera.
During the postcovid period it was renovated and on 2022 it reopened.
Koukoutsi eco material was used in the patio area in order to give a fresh look and incorporate the indoor outdoor living concept.
Small lounge tables were used to match the couch and the armchairs.

Materials Used

Koukoutsi eco material is made out of the final eco waste which is the olive pip and the olive core.
We use a mixture of olives pip/core in a 80% percentage and we manufacture a solid board out of which we make furniture, tiles, decorative objects and doors.
The final result is a fine terrazzo look.
Features of the material
Extra hard
Surface waterproof
Thickness as from 8mm to 200mm
Applicable indoors and outdoors in shades


Annual CO2 emmisions for 2022 16.000
We constructed approximately 50 square meters of koukoutsi eco board in our company
So the CO2/m2 calculation is 320

Issues Faced

We are trying to find or make an 100% eco resin- we no use a resin made out of recycled resins at a 60% percentage

Additional Comments

Founders Christos Ververis designer and Irene Moutsoyiannis marketeer are tackling the issue of using eco waste to make something valuable out of it. The answer is to turn the olive core into a durable material that can be used in furniture and objects. This raw olive end material is already being used for heating purposes, but it could gain more value and turn into a new eco-multi-purpose material.

Our material has a story to tell, it reflects our thoughts, our origin, our roots, and our aspiration for a better future. Christos Ververis and Irene Moutsoyiannis, two individuals from different academic backgrounds sharing the same origin from a mountainous village in Lesvos Island yet with so different work paths succeeded in sharing a vision, through design, and the need to take it to the next step.

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