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Company NameZUMI
Company AddressNieuwpoortsesteenweg 178
Gistel 8470
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Your Contact Details
NameTony Decavele
Job Titlemanaging director
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Role of this organisation in the project being enteredmanufacturer
Category - Interior
    The innovative use of light and the way it is inextricably linked to surfaces, whether it’s the effect the light has on the surrounding surfaces or the materials used to create the light. 
Entry Details
Project/Product Name (written how it should appear)DE VREDE
Project AddressMoerdijkstraat 94
Ichtegem 8480
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Client NameEddy Vanbelle
Designer/Architect NameDanny Hoorelbeke
Contractor NameTony Decavele
Project/Product Description

The lighting of this space creates a multifunctional result. The technology is based on the Human Centric Light where we can adjust the light according to the requested mood. This ranges from serene to ambiance. The integration of this lighting system was done through large light surfaces in which the lighting was mounted and covered with a stretch ceiling.
The total investment was 150 000 euros including all controls based on DALI. Completion was 2020.

Materials Used

The concept is built on the basis of large light volumes made in MDF. Inside are mounted LED platins with special lenses that create an edge light effect. This technique allows us to save a lot of energy. This technique ensures that the surface below is nicely evenly lit. The LED technology is exceptionally unique, we can control the white balance from 1800 Kelvin (very warm) to 16000 Kelvin (blue sky) but also all RGB colors and all this with 1 DALI address per LED platine. The bottom is closed with a stretch ceiling that has a nice even surface. Easy to maintain, washable and easily removable.


This solution is equipped with highly durable and energy-friendly LED platins. The LEDs are based on the Zhaga platform ( ). The use of Zhaga components allows repairs to be made at any time if necessary. The components are standardized and in consultation with many manufacturers worldwide. The service life of these components is 50 000 hours. These LEDs were developed by Professor Stefan Tasch in Austria and are very sustainable in use. In addition to sustainability, the biological clock also plays a major role because the light can be controlled according to the mood. It completely fits into the Human Centric Light story where visitors and staff feel much better.

Additional Comments

This project is unique in Europe. The application of PI-LED technology creates an architectural spectacle. The possibility of the wide light spectrum ensures that the experience is always different. People feel very relaxed because the right color setting is applied for each moment. It is a kind of light therapy on a large scale. The technology is a result of several researches in universities.

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