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Company Namenevi GmbH
Company AddressAm Bahnhof Weinhübel 2
Görlitz 02827
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NameRut Twardon
Job TitleMarketing
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Phone+49-3581-79 25 850-5
Role of this organisation in the project being enteredDesigner and manufacturer
Category - Interior
    This is a new category that recognises wall, floor, ceiling and surface design products, including decorative, creative and inventive surfaces for the interior of buildings including both commercial and residential properties.
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Project/Product Description

With its surface betula veneer, nevi have developed an entirely new material – yet basing their efforts on an ancient material that has shaped our culture in significant ways. For centuries, birch bark had been used in a myriad of places, wherever a robust water barrier was needed. The bark of the Nordic birch was used for such challenging tasks as roofing, boat building and shoe making. With industrialization, the material fell into oblivion because it was not suitable for serial production. nevi are the first company to succeed in creating a surface material which still has all the positive natural properties of the resource.
nevi betula veneer is ideally suited as a surface material for flooring and wall covering as well as furniture and design objects of all kinds. In contact with human skin, birch bark unfolds its true potential: It has an antimicrobial effect, a velvety and warm feel, and a pH value like human skin. In addition, thanks to its natural water-repellent properties and high slip resistance when wet, this versatile material can also be used for wet rooms and outdoors.
betula veneer by nevi lends itself perfectly to 3D shaping and has an appealing surface structure and a soft texture, making it a new discovery for anyone looking for the extraordinary in product development, interior design and interior furnishings. nevi betula veneer is ideal for use in the wet environment, such as spa and bathroom as well as yacht construction, due to its excellent properties in direct contact with water.

Materials Used

The renewable material performs at its best when it meets water - and the human touch. Birch bark does not swell, so unlike wood it is ideal for direct contact with water and thus lends itself perfectly to ship interior design. The material can also keep up with ceramic tiles, as the high grip of birch bark prevents slipping on damp surfaces. Plus, it has an antimicrobial nature, a velvety, warm feel, and a pH like that of human skin.
The texture and feel of birch bark create a tangible connection with nature for the skin. The surface material invites guests to relax and enjoy not only thanks to its pleasant appearance and warm forest tones, but it also promotes an energy-efficient, healthy indoor climate owing to the insulating properties of the natural fibers. And the feeling is here to stay! nevi betula veneer has a durable surface structure and develops an attractive patina over time.


Just as every piece of nevi betula surfaces takes its start from the birch tree, the story of our company itself begins with discovering the Nordic birch tree in its habitat. Out of our enthusiasm for this special material, nevi evolved over time; we became familiar with the people who harvest birch bark, created networks, learned together. nevi are a truly grown company - the structures that have thus evolved across national borders make it almost natural that they are fair and healthy for everyone involved. Each step is meant to be taken with responsibility over a longer period:

- from traditional harvesting
- and shorter transport routes over land
- to ecological development
- the production according to high quality standards here in Görlitz
- and the establishment as a purpose-built company
- to the marketing of this material, which is used all over the world and which, as a global plastic alternative, also relieves oceans and contributes to the preservation of natural forests.

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