Company Details
Company NameOBERFLEX
Company Address31 rue de Bar
Longeville-en-Barrois 55000
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Your Contact Details
NameEmilie CARRE
Job TitleMarketing Manager
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Role of this organisation in the project being enteredproduct manager
Category - Interior
    This is a new category that recognises wall, floor, ceiling and surface design products, including decorative, creative and inventive surfaces for the interior of buildings including both commercial and residential properties.
Entry Details
Name of organisation entering the Awards (if different from above)OBERFLEX
Role of this organisation in the project being entered (if different from above)manufacturer
Project/Product Name (written how it should appear)Metal d'Oberflex
Project Address31 rue de Bar
Longeville-en-Barrois 55000
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Client NameEmilie CARRE
Designer/Architect NameOberflex Oberflex
Contractor NameOberflex Oberflex
Project/Product Description

Oberflex's Metal offering is further expanded with the rolling out of these new reliefs. Six emblematic Oberflex textures are applied to metal: Skarp, Fibra, Till, Drapa, Scié and Griffé, which were previously used exclusively for solid wood surfaces applications, for an elegant, refined finish similar to metal plating on wood.

Materials Used

The aluminum surfaces are brushed, matt, rough rolled or mirror polished. Copper, stainless steel, pewter, brass, bronze or gunmetal tones are available in smooth surfaces or enriched with geometric or organic 3D patterns.


Ober has already taken several major steps to better control its C02 emissions. We wanted to go further in relation to our carbon footprint, and as such, we have decided to plant 5,600 trees through EcoTree. Trees are genuine carbon sinks and will make up for a significant portion of our annual emissions.

Issues Faced

Oberflex has taken a major technological step forward in its manufacturing process
and forging technique. Already a recognized expert in this field, Oberflex has developed a process that enables a deeper embossing of the material. The result is unique, with beautifully raised and original designs boasting a very elegant appearance.
True to its expertise and challenged by its customers, Oberflex has made great strides in mastering the forging technique, taking it a step further and now offering new textures and versions with deeper grooves than before.

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