Company Details
Company NameChris Fell Design & Project Management Ltd
Company AddressHillcrest
Gill Lane
Walmer Bridge Preston
United Kingdom
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Your Contact Details
NameChris Fell
Job TitleFounder/ Managing Director
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Role of this organisation in the project being enteredDesign, Project Management & Installation
Category - Interior
    This is a new category that recognises wall, floor, ceiling and surface design products, including decorative, creative and inventive surfaces for the interior of buildings including both commercial and residential properties.
    Buildings such as houses, flats and apartments that are used for sheltering people. These could be either part of the private or public sector and could be individual dwellings or multi-dwelling developments. Social rented, affordable rented and intermediate housing, provided to specified eligible households whose needs are not met by the market are included.
Entry Details
Project/Product Name (written how it should appear)MV Moulding Collection
Project AddressRidgecroft
D'Urton Lane
Preston, Lancashire PR3
United Kingdom
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Client NameMohammed Vali
Designer/Architect NameChris Fell
Contractor NameChris Fell
Project/Product Description

The MV Moulding Collection is a complete, suited home moulding solution and can be expanded in so many ways with its unique
functionality, versatility and innovation, if there’s a particular moulding requirement in any instance, inside or outside the
property, then the value it offers to clients, it’s end users, the collection is fit for purpose.

The completion of the MV Residence by Chris Fell Design & Project Management is a testament to the company’s outstanding creativity and craftsmanship. MV Residence is a seamless masterpiece that showcases the Best of British design and craftsmanship, incorporating the MV Moulding Collection, designed by Chris Fell himself, throughout the interior.

The architectural details of the MV Collection are one of the most outstanding features of the MV Residence, creating a seamless integration throughout the entire home, including the exterior. This created a Chris Fell Home, a home that is one of a kind which showcases how the MV moulding collection can flow seamlessly throughout the home, giving the client a complete, suited moulding solution for their ceilings, cabinetry, wall panelling, feature columns, pilasters, doors, pediments, architraves, skirting boards, ceiling roses, furniture and much more, which then the home became an entire collection forming a unique masterpiece.

Materials Used

Illustrated in the completed MV Residence images attached, the materials used for the mouldings in the interior of the home was recycled materials MDF, timber, plaster, and used for the sustainability, affordability and longevity. The MV Moulding Collection should be considered for a Surface Design Award because of its unique functionality, versatility, innovation and design.


The entire MV Moulding Collection can be manufactured using recycled material, timber, plaster, MDF, stone, marble, concrete, metal and
much more. The MV moulding collection has sustainability credentials as recycled materials are used and materials with longevity to prevent short life and for the majority to last a very long time and no need for short term replacements and require minimal maintenance.

Chris Fell Design Produced CGI visualisations, dimensional drawings and 3D Printed prototypes of the moulding profiles to show the client before manufacturing is commenced, over the nearly 30 years experience as a designer and master craftsman, Chris Fell understands what saves energy, time, repeated mistakes and methods used, saves in so many ways and is a system and method becoming a SOLUTION, creating something NEW, unique is carried out in every aspect of any collection so each client can have their very own collection if they wish.

Issues Faced

As 3D Printed prototypes of the moulding profiles are produced, this enables very quick amendments to moulding profiles if required without the use of retooling etc which saves again energy, time and is considerably cost efficient and more sustainable. If amendments are required, this solves every problem, as if any new profile size is required for any purpose, a new profile is designed or amended, 3D printed and signed off before manufacture. The above design process eliminates any installation issues after being manufactured due to 3D Printing the physical size prototype beforehand. Therefore, the application of the MV Moulding Collection should not create any issues as long as it is installed by a competent person or professional craftsman.

Additional Comments

The artisan skills involved in the project were of the highest level of Best of British Design and Craftsmanship. Chris Fell was heavily involved in every stage of creating the project, producing all the working drawings, CGI visualisations, creating 3D Prototypes.
As well as being a designer, Chris Fell is a Master Craftsman who had the pleasure of creating the staircase base rail on site using MDF, creating the feature columns, pilasters, door pediments, installing most of the Mouldings made from Tulip wood and MDF with walnut accents. Some other timbers used was oak with walnut accents, walnut with maple accents on cabinetry.

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