Company Details
Company NameStarfish Interiors
Company Address1 Springtide Cottages, Eastern Road, Lydd
Lydd TN29 9EE
United Kingdom
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Your Contact Details
NameZoe Crandon
Job TitleInterior Designer
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Role of this organisation in the project being enteredDesign*Build*Finish
Category - Interior
    Commercial Buildings that are used for commercial purposes, and include retail, hospitality, workplaces, factories and warehouses and buildings where commercial services are provided. At least 50 percent of the buildings’ floor space will be used for commercial activities.
Entry Details
Project/Product Name (written how it should appear)The Ginger Italian
Project Address6 Green Wrythe Lane
Sutton Sm2 2dw
United Kingdom
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Client NameJoe Paini
Designer/Architect NameZoe Crandon
Contractor NameStarfish Interiors
Project/Product Description

Complete Redesign rebrand and refit of this Italian/Mediterranean restaurant and music venue.

Materials Used

Acoustic panelling


No calculations
But due to pandemic and economy supply issues we had to have a solid sustainable ethic and a think outside the box approach to materials.
Repurposing and reusing where we.could.
Sourcing from.sustainable conscious sources and shopping at the local hardware store on the same street for all basic tools and building materials. Saving on our carbon footprint massively. Using the same supplier for as much as we could.

Issues Faced

Covid restrictions and supply issues
Timelines due to supply issues and also govt regulations.

Additional Comments

The Client was certainly attached to his lovely restaurant as it was his first self owned project, which he had a VERY loyal client base who loved the place exactly as it was, but he recognised it was tired and needed a brand asthetic as he planned to expand. this meant that we needed to gently encourage and work with him to be bold and take the restaurant up several notches in the aesthetic to have a high end feel that reflected where he wanted his business to go..We were very impressed by his flexibility and trust, which enabled us to really stretch him and we ended up with a BEAUTIFUL product that reflected the musical element of his restaurant in a gorgeous yet practical way. Offering additional soundproofing (it gets very loud) in a classy elegant way that took nothing away, but added to the overall high end finish..We are very proud of this project.

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