Company Details
Company NameREHAU Ltd
Company AddressBrinell Drive
Irlam M44 5BL
United Kingdom
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NameMonika Skotarczak
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Role of this organisation in the project being enteredSurface producer
Category - Interior
    This is a new category that recognises wall, floor, ceiling and surface design products, including decorative, creative and inventive surfaces for the interior of buildings including both commercial and residential properties.
    Buildings such as houses, flats and apartments that are used for sheltering people. These could be either part of the private or public sector and could be individual dwellings or multi-dwelling developments. Social rented, affordable rented and intermediate housing, provided to specified eligible households whose needs are not met by the market are included.
Entry Details
Project/Product Name (written how it should appear)RAUVISIO
Project AddressHoliday House
Poznańska 1a
Rogowo 72-330
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Client NameMeble Merda
Designer/Architect NameKaja Stryjewska-Magdziak
Contractor NameMeble Merda
Project/Product Description

Dream kitchen in natural hues
The entire color palette found in the surrounding landscape is implemented into the highly modern kitchen of this holiday apartment. In this elegant apartment complex in the Polish village of Rogowo, architects, interior designers and apartment owners place high importance on exquisite features that, ideally, coalesce with their surroundings.

Inspired by the nearby dune forest, property owners opted for sand-colored surfaces, furniture and pieces when designing the apartments. The key player in making this design choice a spectacular reality was the RAUVISIO acrylic laminate. The material makes for outstanding design when coating vertical furniture front panels and is remarkably easy to work with. When combined with the REHAU furniture front panels in cubanite-metallic colors, this creates a cohesive overall design that gets the hearts of both property owners and holiday guests alike beating that little bit faster.

Materials Used

Rauvisio Brilliant Surfaces
Raukantex edgebands


Sustainability guaranteed

Every stage of the supply chain for our RAUVISIO brilliant surfaces is fully compliant with PEFC’s requirements for sustainable forestry – from the forest all the way through to the point we dispatch our pressed wood panels and components to customers.

Issues Faced

RAUVISIO brilliant is our all-rounder. Its outstanding depth effect makes it a great alternative to normal high-end lacquered surfaces, allowing you to add more vibrancy to your projects. RAUVISIO brilliant is a versatile surface that comes in a range of high-gloss and matt colors, with our velvety-soft noble matt version. The material can easily be worked on with standard woodworking tools and always produces a perfectly coordinated edgeband from a single source. For more freedom in your project.

Additional Comments

RAUVISIO brilliant noble matt
The surface is velvety-soft with a super-matt finish. And, thanks to a special paint coat, the HardCoat finish, it’s also resistant against scratches and finger marks.
Design matched to REHAU noble matt collection – awarded the German Design Award and Red Dot Award.

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