Company Details
Company NameStarfish Interiors
Company Address1 Springtide Cottages, Eastern Road
Lydd TN29 9EE
United Kingdom
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Your Contact Details
NameZoe Crandon
Job TitleInterior Designer
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Role of this organisation in the project being enteredDesign*Build*Finish
Category - Interior
    Commercial Buildings that are used for commercial purposes, and include retail, hospitality, workplaces, factories and warehouses and buildings where commercial services are provided. At least 50 percent of the buildings’ floor space will be used for commercial activities.
Entry Details
Name of organisation entering the Awards (if different from above)Starfish Interiors
Role of this organisation in the project being entered (if different from above)Starfish Interiors
Project/Product Name (written how it should appear)Encanto Kitchen
Project Address6-7, Station Parade, Brighton Rd,
Sutton SM2 5AD
United Kingdom
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Client NameJoe Paini
Designer/Architect NameZoe Crandon
Contractor NameStarfish Interiors
Project/Product Description

Complete renovation of an old Italian restaurant to a beautiful bespoke upmarket tex mex style restaurant. This Huge unit was in a state of total disrepair and needed a complete overhaul having lay empty for many years. We designed the asthetic to create a brand theme for the Client in line with his other restaurant in Carshalton, which we also renovated (The one was a Mediterranean restaurant) and whilst we carried through some of the thought process from the original, we tweaked the design to reflect the different demographic and service that this unit would experience. It is a beautiful functional space that is loved by both the Proprietor and Diners alike. We are very proud to share this space.

Materials Used

Used in extraordinary ways to create a beautiful unusual aesthetic. We had to think outside the box to problem solve and ended up with a better finish than even first anticipated due to supply issues and shortages, we ended up being super creative and economical repurposing materials in other ways to compensate for the lag in supply due to economical changes that the design and construction world has had to navigate and overcome due to the pandemic and then the economy downturn.


We do not have a co2/m2 calculation.
But we have worked to a strict code of sustainability by repurposing original materials where we could and using fit for purpose outside the box applications of available materials to save on costs to both the planet and the budget! For instance we has some left over marble.form the bar top, so we asked the fitters whilst onsite to cut cils for the alcoves instead of purchasing off the shelf items, we mixed leftover paints to create new colors and avoid wastage and used a different local tile supplier to finish the bar witj a contrasting tile instead of reordering an extra batch from the USA when we ran short saving on transportation and CO2 debt.

Issues Faced

The Economy!
Materials prices soared!
Shortages of materials
Delivery issues due to the lorry strikes.
Labour shortages due to brexit and Covid

Additional Comments

This was a labour of love, and at times very hard to project manage due to the listed challenges as above.
BUT we are super proud of the 5 Star Restaurant we have delivered to the Client.

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