Company Details
Company NameArchtiectural Glass Artworks Ltd
Company Address1 Chamberlain Street
London NW1 8XB
United Kingdom
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NameAndrew Moor
Job TitleMD
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Role of this organisation in the project being enteredCreator
Category - Exterior
    This is a new category that recognises wall and surface design products including decorative, creative and inventive surfaces for the exterior of building including both commercial and residential properties.
Other Categories
    The space around, between and within buildings that is publicly accessible, including streets, squares, parks and open spaces. These areas and settings support or facilitate public life and social interaction.
Entry Details
Project/Product Name (written how it should appear)Hornsby House School
Project AddressHearndale Road
London SW12 8RS
United Kingdom
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Client NameHornsby House School
Designer/Architect NameAndrew Moor
Contractor NameSimon Cook
Project/Product Description

We designed, manufactured and installed a 72sqm retaining wall for an external lightwell. The School was building a basement classroom - to provide new space - and the architect, to bring daylight into the room, created an external stairwell. We were asked to design and install this glass art feature. A big advantage of using glass in this context is it will need almost no maintenance over many years. Perhaps, a hosing down once a year. Adding the artwork to the glass brings both light and life into the classroom. The additional cost of adding in the image to the glass was relatively small.

Materials Used

The design has been printed digitally onto a film and supplied to site as a laminated glass. The top layer has been made thicker to allow the for 1.5m high cantilevered balustrade.


Laminated glass 3.08 kg

Issues Faced

The main issue was to engineer the project so the glass was simple to install, yet was able to support the tall balustrade. The artwork adde inside the laminate, ensuring that the image was visible without any backlighting required.

Additional Comments

This is such a simple but effective way of giving basement areas a much more sustainable and maintenance free appearance. These areas often look quite dark and even if the image was plain white it is a better and more reliable way of bring light into light wells.

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