Company Details
Company NameKEIM Mineral Paints Limited
Company AddressSantok Building
Deer Park Way
Donnington Wood, Telford TF2 7NA
United Kingdom
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Your Contact Details
NameAmanda Cruxton-Chance
Job TitleMarketing
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Phone01952 231250
Role of this organisation in the project being enteredManufacturer
Entry Details
Role of this organisation in the project being entered (if different from above)Manufacturer
Project/Product Name (written how it should appear)Coventry Housing Association Tower Blocks using KEIM Soldalit and KEIM Soldalit-ME
Project AddressFalkener House
Stoney Stanton Road
Coventry CV6 5PT
United Kingdom
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Client NameCitizen Housing
Designer/Architect NamePre-Existing Buildings N/A
Contractor NameElhance Limited
Project/Product Description


Originally constructed in 1968 to provide council accommodation, Falkener House is a 17-storey residential block, and one of several similar styled towers located around Coventry, West Midlands. This project included three towers, Falkener House, Longfield House, and Meadow House which are used for social housing, and needed external refurbishment.
The towers are all located in the heart of the city and therefore subject to high volumes of traffic and associated environmental pollution.
The refurbishment took place in 2023.


We were contacted by the client as Coventry Council Fire Officer stipulated that fire resistant exterior paint had to be used, initially for Falkener House, and subsequently for Longfield House and Meadow House.
KEIM Soldalit and KEIM Soldalit-ME are both fire resistant paints and classified to A2-s1,d0 making them ideal for high rise buildings, or projects where fire resistant products are specified. KEIM Mineral Paints are the only paint manufacturer to date that meet this classification.

As part of the pre- paint preparation, the building was power sprayed to clean the surfaces and rid them of moss, lichen, and algae growth.
KEIM Soldalit is a multipurpose exterior sol-silicate paint that works effectively on mineral substrates and has exceptional adhesion on old paints and renders. It is completely UV and colour stable.

As with all KEIM products, it is produced using only natural mineral ingredients, is low VOC, non-toxic, and breathable. Its durability enabled a 10-year warranty to be issued for the project.

KEIM Soldalit-ME is a photocatalytic exterior mineral paint which has all of the properties of Soldalit, with the added benefit of breaking down nitrogen oxides, organic material and contaminants, which will keep the painted surfaces cleaner for longer.

KEIM’s durability and performance mean that the building’s painted areas won’t need redecoration for at least 10-15 years; another consideration given the height, inaccessibility, and structural nature of the towers.

Materials Used

KEIM Soldalit and KEIM Soldalit-ME exterior mineral paint.

KEIM Soldalit - a universal, silicate-based sustainable paint, that is kind to you, kind to use, and kind to the environment.

It is water repellent, lightfast, UV stable, and extremely weather resistant. Its inorganic nature allows painted surfaces to breathe and is available in white and a full range of colour shades.

It can be applied using a block brush, roller, or airless sprayer.

KEIM Soldalit-ME – similar to Soldalit but is photocatalytically active, reduces harmful gases, and organic pollutants.


KEIM Soldalit and Soldalit-ME are both;

- Cradle to Cradle Certified® Silver
- Cradle to Cradle Certified Material Health Certificate Gold™
- Natureplus certified
- Fire resistant classified to A2-s1,d0

Issues Faced

Each tower is a minimum of 17 storeys high and therefore the height, and access of the buildings were a key factor for the choice of paint system. As residential blocks, disruption and impact to the occupants had to be carefully considered.

Elhance Limited (the contractor) are specialists in cladding, roofing installation and repairs and experienced with working at height.

Being city centred based, the towers are subject to traffic pollution and a high build up of lichen and algae growth. Soldalit-ME with its photocatalytic active properties will reduce harmful gases and organic pollutants. The algae and lichen were power sprayed, and both removed in the pre-paint preparation stage.

The high bird population is quite a problem for the area, in terms of their droppings. As a highly durable exterior paint, KEIM Soldalit / Soldalit-ME can be easily washed to keep the surface clean.

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