Company Details
Company NameOBERFLEX
Company Address31 rue de Bar
Longeville-en-Barrois 55000
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Your Contact Details
NameCarré Emilie
Job TitleMarketing Manager
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Role of this organisation in the project being enteredEvent project manager
Category - Interior
    This is a new category that recognises wall, floor, ceiling and surface design products, including decorative, creative and inventive surfaces for the interior of buildings including both commercial and residential properties.
Entry Details
Name of organisation entering the Awards (if different from above)OBERFLEX
Role of this organisation in the project being entered (if different from above)Manufacturer
Project/Product Name (written how it should appear)Metal d'Oberflex
Project Address31 rue de Bar
Longeville-en-Barrois 55000
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Client NameCarré Emilie
Designer/Architect NameOberflex Oberflex
Contractor NameOberflex Oberflex
Project/Product Description

Oberflex has made a major technological advance in its manufacturing and embossing process. Already a recognised expert in this field, the specialist in decorative surfaces has developed a process that enables the material to be embossed more deeply. The result is unique, organic and even plant-like designs with a hand-crafted appearance and a top-of-the-range finish.
Faithful to its know-how and challenged by its customers, Oberflex is making further progress in its mastery of embossing, taking things a step further and now offering new textures and deeper variations than befores.

Materials Used

The Metal d'Oberflex collection has been further expanded with the arrival of these new reliefs. Six emblematic Oberflex textures are applied to metal: Skarp, Fibra, Till, Drapa, Scié and Griffé, previously reserved for real wood surfaces, for an elegant and refined finish and a sublimated material, similar to metallisation on wood.


Metal laminate with fire ratings.

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