Company Details
Company NameTextured paints
Company AddressUnits 23 24 St Albans Lane
London Nw11 7qe
United Kingdom
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Your Contact Details
NameMaurice Baumgarten
Job TitleDirector
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Role of this organisation in the project being enteredSupplying special effect paint
Category - Interior
    This is a new category that recognises wall, floor, ceiling and surface design products, including decorative, creative and inventive surfaces for the interior of buildings including both commercial and residential properties.
    Commercial Buildings that are used for commercial purposes, and include retail, hospitality, workplaces, factories and warehouses and buildings where commercial services are provided. At least 50 percent of the buildings’ floor space will be used for commercial activities.
    The innovative use of light and the way it is inextricably linked to surfaces, whether it’s the effect the light has on the surrounding surfaces or the materials used to create the light. 
Entry Details
Name of organisation entering the Awards (if different from above)Textured Paints
Role of this organisation in the project being entered (if different from above)Paint effect Supplier
Project/Product Name (written how it should appear)Bocconcino Soho
Project Address58 Great Marlborough street
London W1F 7JY
United Kingdom
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Client NameMr Michael Veksler
Designer/Architect NameSamanta Pancerevaite
Contractor NameAlvydas Perminas
Project/Product Description

The client needed a very high end unique paint effect and finish that could be both elegant and very durable and washable all while having to be able to be applied to any surface within the resturant whether wall ceiling or a plastic vent. Hence we used our Concrete effect and created a colour to match the designers chosen scheme. The total cost of the paint was £4947

Materials Used

The material used was our water based Concrete effect. This material is super strong and durable to the extent that we successfully applied it to the exterior walls (200 sqm) of a £12 million pound House in Richmond. In this resturant the paibt was applied to walls ceilings including by the kitchen...anywhere they could apply it. The application is very easy and just a roller is needed. To add this paint can be repaired and touched up as was done many times to the ceilings during the course of the project.


The paint as mentioned is extremly durable and sustainable. Low VoC level.

Issues Faced

Non really just getting the colour right. Even the designer herself applied the paint to one whole wall on the day of the soft opening as a fridge hadn't arrived and the wall needed a last minute paint. That video is online on our insta account

Additional Comments

This is a unique product that has a huge potential in the surface industry it has already been proven and just need to be exposed for what it is a beautiful durable easily applied paint effect🤗 We are still waiting for professional photos that will really captivate the paint effect and its movement. I have also included a photo sent to us from the design team unveiling the colour and texture and bH we managed to supply them with a perfect match. Many thanks!

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