Company Details
Company NameTonkin Liu
Company Address5
Wilmington Square
London WC1X 0ES
United Kingdom
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Your Contact Details
NameLucia Echevarria
Job TitleStudio Manager
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Role of this organisation in the project being enteredFacade Architects
Category - Exterior
    This is a new category that recognises wall and surface design products including decorative, creative and inventive surfaces for the exterior of building including both commercial and residential properties.
    The innovative use of light and the way it is inextricably linked to surfaces, whether it’s the effect the light has on the surrounding surfaces or the materials used to create the light. 
    Public Buildings used by the public for any purpose, such as assembly, education, entertainment, government, healthcare, transport or worship. This will also include civic centres, community centres, libraries, visitor centres, culture, health + wellbeing, faith, education, sports venues and stadia, transport, central + local government, entertainment and event venues.
Entry Details
Name of organisation entering the Awards (if different from above)Tonkin Liu
Role of this organisation in the project being entered (if different from above)Facade Architects
Project/Product Name (written how it should appear)Sundersea Sunderland / Riverside Multi Storey Car Park
Project AddressFarringdon Row
Sunderland SR1 3EY
United Kingdom
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Client NameSunderland City Council
Designer/Architect NameTonkin Liu
Contractor NameSir Robert McAlphine
Project/Product Description

An immersive interactive artwork facade based on the ripples of the River Wear estuary that leads out to the North Sea. The artwork, made from 3mm perforated anodised aluminium, spans approx 100 metres wide and 16 metres high, is a facade for the new Riverside development.

Sundersea celebrates Sunderland’s historic connection to the sea. The sea is a timeless entity: it is animated and acted upon by the forces of nature and the creatures that inhabit it. The artwork is inspired by this, and how a series of simple rules can create beautiful, dynamic patterns that break up the monolithic nature of the car park’s long elevations, then brought to life by the car lights within it. Sundersea not only reflects Sunderland’s proud sea-side history but also provides the appropriate symbolic narrative for Sunderland’s next phase as a smart city, with the cars parked inside it increasingly powered by North Sea wind energy.

Waves upon waves of undulating expanded stainless-steel mesh create a dynamic illusion of continual movement: moiré patterns of light and shadow mean light dances as pedestrians walk by. Internally, delicate shadows are projected onto cars and the ceiling, while the mesh allows a softened breeze to ventilate the building.

Completion - April 2023

Additional Comments

Lighting Design: SEAM
Project Managers: Turner & Townsend
Contractor: Goldbeck
